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Lums Leak: AN open letter to LUMS

Respected VC,
You have faced a lot of adversity in the last few days, but you stood tall in the face of all rumors‘- yeah right. You received genuine claims of the LUMS entry test being leaked but you chose to ignore and sideline this issue. Since only those people who appeared in the entry test have knowledge of the actual questions that came, and fewer have seen the leaked paper, you took this fact as an advantage and made statements such as

only 5-6 questions reappered


this was a old paper, not this one.’

Now I’d like to show everyone, exactly which questions came Below is the leaked paper and the questions that reappered have been marked in read. Please note that all writing has been censored because of privacy concerns.



Now if LUMS admissions again denies, that the marked questions didn’t come, I’d like all those people who appeared in the LCAT/SSE to answer a poll to testify if these questions came or not. Further I’d like people to comment on the post and tell us if they came or not.


According to the VC of LUMS,

this was a previous paper, not this one‘.

Even if it was, Why did so many questions reappear on this LCAT/SSE? Furthermore, The previous LCAT/SSE are supposed to be confidential, why did LUMS try to sideline this leak?


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